Just for fun i have written a simple C++ 2D nbody fluid simulation in 4 different programming styles - just to see the differences in speed and maintainability.
Its like my "Fluid Sandbox" program i have written in the past, but 2D and without rigidbody interaction - maybe that will come later.
It would be great if you can compile and run it and check the results for yourself.
As it current states its hard to compare to the 4 different styles in detail, but you can export the frame timings to a csv file.
If someone has a better idea how to run all 4 demos successivily and with multiple iterations, so you can see the differences in the application itself i would really appreciate it.
It was build in visual studio 2015/17 but it may compile on other compilers as well - because it uses simple syntax and default libraries, like glut, glew and opengl.
Also ideas about extending it, maybe create another demo based on modern C++/17 or other platform supports are welcome as well
You can find the project source here: