Hello there o/ ,
As I need a viable solution for rendering assets server side for a browser game, I evaluated options. Using client side canvas fallback was unwise due to performance issues for devices with already limited processing power , when checking server side I noticed chromium headless, gecko headless or phantomjs might help but I have concerns of reliability.
So I found out that bgfx supports webGL 1.0 and webGL 2.0 rendering ( in the name of openGL ES apparently if I'm not mistaken ) so I wondered if having a C / C++ based service for serving prerendered assets ( hoping that I'm not swimming in Dunning-Kruger ocean ) would be a good idea.
So I'd ask if using bgfx is a good idea or would you recommend another library for a service like Imvu Next's recent akamai hosted renderer for images like ( just googled )