bool InitDirect3D::Init()
if (!D3DApp::Init())
return false;
//Additional Initialization
//Disable Alt+Enter Fullscreen Toggle shortkey
IDXGIFactory* factory;
CreateDXGIFactory(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&factory));
factory->MakeWindowAssociation(mhWindow, DXGI_MWA_NO_WINDOW_CHANGES);
return true;
As stated on the title and displayed on the code above, regardless of it Alt+Enter still takes effect...
I recall something from the book during the swapChain creation, where in order to create it one has to use the same factory used to create the ID3D11Device, therefore I tested and indeed using that same factory indeed it work.
How is that one particular factory related to my window and how come the MakeWindowAssociation won't take effect with a newly created factory?
Also what's even the point of being able to create this Factories if they won't work,?(except from that one associated with the ID3D11Device)