Every game developer on this planet is entitled to the very best learning and resource information on their craft.. and this information needs to be free to use and easily accessible.
The community needs your help to build this resource library.
As a developer of any skill level sharing just one tip or one technique that you have learned can help thousands of others become better. Even beginners can share information that is of use to other beginners! We created the Game Development Library (GDL) Project as a way to capture in one place all the great articles and helpful bits of information available online related to making games.
Literally thousands of great articles on game development are scattered on blogs throughout the net and you'll never know about them. Or even worse, if those blogs go offline they'll be lost forever. Join us in building up our library of both new articles and republished information.
The foundation of our project is sharing. I have a two year old son named Josh that loves his Buzz Lightyear action figure. He is also very protective of that toy and I know that it takes a bit of explaining to get him to understand the concept of sharing. To understand sharing I think it takes an understanding of what it's like to not have what you want or need sometimes.. to have empathy for others. Josh still doesn't quite understand why he needs to share, but he knows it's a good thing to do because mom and dad said so.
This is where you come in. You know what it's like to struggle and I'm sure there are still future challenges to solve that could use a little help from your peers. Every programmer stands on the shoulders of countless people whose work got them to where they are today.
Make sharing your mantra, and do it without fear. So many developers think they aren't enough of an expert to put your work out there. That's absolutely not true. Every single person has some level of experience they can share with others.
Many of the ideas that drive game development come in cycles and get recycled and refined over and over again. In fact, we have articles in our existing archive that still get widely used today. Techniques that you have picked up can be used again by other developers.
If you want to join our effort, read more about how to publish articles on Gamedev.net.