I have an API that takes quaternions to set the orientation of a drone. I want to fix the roll, pitch, and yaw. I currently have the following.
tf::Quaternion q_new, q_curr, q_rot;
// r, p, y is current vehicle orientation
q_curr = tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(r, p, y);
// What to plug in here ...
q_rot = tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(?, ?, ?);
// I think this is how to apply the new orientation to the current
q_new = q_curr * q_rot;
My problem is I don't know what values to plugin to q_rot to set the new orientation. I can think in RPY values, but not quaternions. For example, I'd like to rotate the drone around the z-axis 90 degrees, or 180 around y, or 90 degrees around the x axis, etc... How does one calculate that?