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OpenGL Batch Rendering

Over the last 10+ years I have created many different game engines to suit my needs. In this article I describe the batch rendering technique that I use in the OpenGL Shader Engine that I am building right now. If you are interested in seeing more details on the OpenGL Shader Engine that I’m making, have a look at my website http://www.marekknows.com/downloads.php?vmk=shader

What is Batch Rendering?

Every game engine needs to generate data using the Central Processing Unit (CPU) on your motherboard, and then transfer this data over to the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) on your video card so that it can render things to the screen. When rendering different data objects, it is best to organize the data in groups so that you minimize the number of calls from the CPU to the GPU. You also want to minimize the number of state changes which can kill your game’s performance. The group that holds the data to be rendered is called a batch.

How to Create a Batch?

In OpenGL a batch is defined by creating a Vertex Buffer Object (VBO). For details on creating a VBO and some best practises have a look here: https://www.opengl.org/wiki/Vertex_Specification_Best_Practices

I defined a Batch class the following way in C++:

class Batch sealed {
	unsigned	_uMaxNumVertices;
	unsigned	_uNumUsedVertices;
	unsigned	_vao; //only used in OpenGL v3.x +
	unsigned	_vbo;
	BatchConfig _config;
	GuiVertex   _lastVertex;

//^^^^------ variables above ------|------ functions below ------vvvv

	Batch(unsigned uMaxNumVertices ); 

	bool   isBatchConfig( const BatchConfig& config ) const;
	bool   isEmpty() const;
	bool   isEnoughRoom( unsigned uNumVertices ) const;
	Batch* getFullest( Batch* pBatch );
	int    getPriority() const;

	void add( const std::vector<GuiVertex>& vVertices, const BatchConfig& config );
	void add( const std::vector<GuiVertex>& vVertices );
	void render();

	Batch( const Batch& c ); //not implemented
	Batch& operator=( const Batch& c ); //not implemented

	void cleanUp();


Notice that a Batch keeps track of how many vertices can be stored inside it (_uMaxNumVertices), as well as how many vertices are actually used in this batch (_uNumUsedVertices). A VBO is constructed to actually store the vertices on the GPU when a Batch is created. Each Batch can only store a particular set of vertices as defined in the BatchConfig. A BatchConfig is defined this way:

struct BatchConfig {
	unsigned  uRenderType;
	int       iPriority;
	unsigned  uTextureId;
	glm::mat4 transformMatrix; //initialized as identity matrix

	BatchConfig( unsigned uRenderTypeIn, int iPriorityIn, unsigned uTextureIdIn ) :
		uRenderType( uRenderTypeIn ),
		iPriority( iPriorityIn ),
		uTextureId( uTextureIdIn )

	bool operator==( const BatchConfig& other) const {
		if( uRenderType		!= other.uRenderType ||
			iPriority		!= other.iPriority ||
			uTextureId		!= other.uTextureId ||
			transformMatrix != other.transformMatrix ) 
			return false;
		return true;

	bool operator!=( const BatchConfig& other) const {
		return !( *this == other );

A BatchConfig defines how the vertices should be interpreted (uRenderType); be it a set of GL_LINES, set of GL_TRIANGLES, or a set of GL_TRIANGLE_STRIPS. The iPriority value indicates which order Batches should be rendered in. A higher priority value indicates that the Batch of vertices will appear on top of another Batch that has a lower priority. If vertices stored in a Batch have texture coordinates, then we need to know which texture to use (uTextureId). Lastly, if the vertices need to be transformed before being rendered, then their transformMatrix will contain a non-identity matrix.

In this example I will be working with vertices defined this way:

struct GuiVertex {
	glm::vec2 position;
	glm::vec4 color;
	glm::vec2 texture;

	GuiVertex( glm::vec2 positionIn, glm::vec4 colorIn, glm::vec2 textureIn = glm::vec2() ) :
		position( positionIn ),
		color( colorIn ),
		texture( textureIn )

Notice that the GuiVertex defines a 2D coordinate on the screen that can contain a color and a texture coordinate. The member functions in the Batch class are used to add vertices to a Batch and also render them when the appropriate time to do so has been reached. The implementation of the Batch class is shown below.

Batch::Batch( unsigned uMaxNumVertices ) :
	_uMaxNumVertices( uMaxNumVertices ),
	_uNumUsedVertices( 0 ),
	_vao( 0 ),
	_vbo( 0 ),
	_config( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 0 ),
	_lastVertex( glm::vec2(), glm::vec4() )

	//optimal size for a batch is between 1-4MB in size.  Number of elements that can be stored in a 
	//batch is determined by calculating #bytes used by each vertex
	if( uMaxNumVertices < 1000 ) {
		std::ostringstream strStream;
		strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " uMaxNumVertices{" << uMaxNumVertices << "} is too small.  Choose a number >= 1000 ";
		throw ExceptionHandler( strStream );

	//clear error codes
	if( Settings::getOpenglVersion().x >= 3 ) {
		glGenVertexArrays( 1, &_vao );
		glBindVertexArray( _vao );  

	//create batch buffer
	glGenBuffers( 1, &_vbo ); 
	glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, _vbo ); 
	glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, uMaxNumVertices * sizeof( GuiVertex ), nullptr, GL_STREAM_DRAW );

	if( Settings::getOpenglVersion().x >= 3 ) {
		unsigned uOffset = 0;
		ShaderManager::enableAttribute( A_POSITION, sizeof( GuiVertex ), uOffset );
		uOffset += sizeof( glm::vec2 ); 
		ShaderManager::enableAttribute( A_COLOR, sizeof( GuiVertex ), uOffset );
		uOffset += sizeof( glm::vec4 ); 
		ShaderManager::enableAttribute( A_TEXTURE_COORD0, sizeof( GuiVertex ), uOffset );
		glBindVertexArray( 0 );

		ShaderManager::disableAttribute( A_POSITION );
		ShaderManager::disableAttribute( A_COLOR );
		ShaderManager::disableAttribute( A_TEXTURE_COORD0 );

	glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0 ); 

	if( GL_NO_ERROR != glGetError() ) {
		throw ExceptionHandler( __FUNCTION__ + std::string( " failed to create batch" ) );

Batch::~Batch() {

void Batch::cleanUp() {
	if( _vbo != 0 ) {
		glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0 );
		glDeleteBuffers( 1, &_vbo );
		_vbo = 0;
	if( _vao != 0 ) {
		glBindVertexArray( 0 );
		glDeleteVertexArrays( 1, &_vao );
		_vao = 0;

bool Batch::isBatchConfig( const BatchConfig& config ) const {
	return ( config == _config );

bool Batch::isEmpty() const {
	return ( 0 == _uNumUsedVertices );

//returns true if the number of vertices passed in can be stored in this batch
//without reaching the limit of how many vertices can fit in the batch
bool Batch::isEnoughRoom( unsigned uNumVertices ) const {
	//2 extra vertices are needed for degenerate triangles between each strip
	unsigned uNumExtraVertices = ( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP == _config.uRenderType && _uNumUsedVertices > 0 ? 2 : 0 );

	return ( _uNumUsedVertices + uNumExtraVertices + uNumVertices <= _uMaxNumVertices );		

//returns the batch that contains the most number of stored vertices between
//this batch and the one passed in
Batch* Batch::getFullest( Batch* pBatch ) {
	return ( _uNumUsedVertices > pBatch->_uNumUsedVertices ? this : pBatch );

int Batch::getPriority() const {
	return _config.iPriority;

//adds vertices to batch and also sets the batch config options
void Batch::add( const std::vector<GuiVertex>& vVertices, const BatchConfig& config ) {
	_config = config;
	add( vVertices );

void Batch::add( const std::vector<GuiVertex>& vVertices ) {
	//2 extra vertices are needed for degenerate triangles between each strip
	unsigned uNumExtraVertices = ( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP == _config.uRenderType && _uNumUsedVertices > 0 ? 2 : 0 );
	if( uNumExtraVertices + vVertices.size() > _uMaxNumVertices - _uNumUsedVertices ) {
		std::ostringstream strStream;
		strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " not enough room for {" << vVertices.size() << "} vertices in this batch.  Maximum number of vertices allowed in a batch is {" << _uMaxNumVertices << "} and {" << _uNumUsedVertices << "} are already used"; 
		if( uNumExtraVertices > 0 ) {
			strStream << " plus you need room for {" << uNumExtraVertices << "} extra vertices too";
		throw ExceptionHandler( strStream );
	if( vVertices.size() > _uMaxNumVertices ) {
		std::ostringstream strStream;
		strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " can not add {" << vVertices.size() << "} vertices to batch.  Maximum number of vertices allowed in a batch is {" << _uMaxNumVertices << "}"; 
		throw ExceptionHandler( strStream );
	if( vVertices.empty() ) {
		std::ostringstream strStream;
		strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " can not add {" << vVertices.size() << "} vertices to batch."; 
		throw ExceptionHandler( strStream );

	//add vertices to buffer
	if( Settings::getOpenglVersion().x >= 3 ) {
		glBindVertexArray( _vao );
	glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, _vbo );

	if( uNumExtraVertices > 0 ) {
		//need to add 2 vertex copies to create degenerate triangles between this strip
		//and the last strip that was stored in the batch
		glBufferSubData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,         _uNumUsedVertices * sizeof( GuiVertex ), sizeof( GuiVertex ), &_lastVertex );
		glBufferSubData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, ( _uNumUsedVertices + 1 ) * sizeof( GuiVertex ), sizeof( GuiVertex ), &vVertices[0] );

	// Use glMapBuffer instead, if moving large chunks of data > 1MB
	glBufferSubData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, ( _uNumUsedVertices + uNumExtraVertices ) * sizeof( GuiVertex ), vVertices.size() * sizeof( GuiVertex ), &vVertices[0] );
	if( Settings::getOpenglVersion().x >= 3 ) {
		glBindVertexArray( 0 );
	glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0 );

	_uNumUsedVertices += vVertices.size() + uNumExtraVertices;

	_lastVertex = vVertices[vVertices.size() - 1];


void Batch::render() {
	if( _uNumUsedVertices == 0 ) {
		//nothing in this buffer to render

	bool usingTexture = INVALID_UNSIGNED != _config.uTextureId;
	ShaderManager::setUniform( U_USING_TEXTURE, usingTexture );
	if( usingTexture ) {
		ShaderManager::setTexture( 0, U_TEXTURE0_SAMPLER_2D, _config.uTextureId ); 

	ShaderManager::setUniform( U_TRANSFORM_MATRIX, _config.transformMatrix );

	//draw contents of buffer
	if( Settings::getOpenglVersion().x >= 3 ) {
		glBindVertexArray( _vao );
		glDrawArrays( _config.uRenderType, 0, _uNumUsedVertices );
		glBindVertexArray( 0 );		

	} else { //OpenGL v2.x
		glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, _vbo );

		unsigned uOffset = 0;
		ShaderManager::enableAttribute( A_POSITION, sizeof( GuiVertex ), uOffset );
		uOffset += sizeof( glm::vec2 ); 
		ShaderManager::enableAttribute( A_COLOR, sizeof( GuiVertex ), uOffset );
		uOffset += sizeof( glm::vec4 ); 
		ShaderManager::enableAttribute( A_TEXTURE_COORD0, sizeof( GuiVertex ), uOffset );
		glDrawArrays( _config.uRenderType, 0, _uNumUsedVertices );		

		ShaderManager::disableAttribute( A_POSITION );
		ShaderManager::disableAttribute( A_COLOR );
		ShaderManager::disableAttribute( A_TEXTURE_COORD0 );

		glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0 );
	//reset buffer
	_uNumUsedVertices = 0;
	_config.iPriority = 0;


As mentioned earlier, a Batch can contain vertices for only one specific uRenderType at a time. If you are adding vertices to a Batch that uses GL_LINES or GL_TRIANGLES, then what you put into the batch by calling Batch.add is exactly what you get in the VBO. However if you are adding vertices defined as GL_TRIANGLE_STRIPS then we need to add some degenerate triangles between each strip so that by the time a call to Batch.render is made, we can reconstruct the original set of triangle strips that we wanted without having all the triangle strips automatically join together to one another. See this for details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_strip

How to Use the Batch Class?

I have shown you how to create a Batch, so now let’s look at how to organize multiple Batches in a Game Engine. To do that we need a BatchManager:

class BatchManager sealed {
	std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Batch>> _vBatches;

	unsigned _uNumBatches;
	unsigned _maxNumVerticesPerBatch;

//^^^^------ variables above ------|------ functions below ------vvvv

	BatchManager( unsigned uNumBatches, unsigned numVerticesPerBatch ); 

	void render( const std::vector<GuiVertex>& vVertices, const BatchConfig& config );
	void emptyAll();

	BatchManager( const BatchManager& c ); //not implemented
	BatchManager& operator=( const BatchManager& c ); //not implemented
	void emptyBatch( bool emptyAll, Batch* pBatchToEmpty ); 


The BatchManager class is responsible for keeping a pool of batches (_vBatches). When BatchManager.render is called from the Game Engine, it will figure out which Batch should be used for the incoming vertices (vVertices) using the BatchConfig specified. If a Batch doesn’t get filled all the way, then the vertices will be held on until a later time when they have to be rendered, or when the BatchManager.emptyAll function is called.

My implementation of the BatchManager is shown below:

BatchManager::BatchManager( unsigned uNumBatches, unsigned numVerticesPerBatch ) :
	_uNumBatches( uNumBatches ),
	_maxNumVerticesPerBatch( numVerticesPerBatch )
	//test input parameters
	if( uNumBatches < 10 ) {
		std::ostringstream strStream;
		strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " uNumBatches{" << uNumBatches << "} is too small.  Choose a number >= 10 ";
		throw ExceptionHandler( strStream );

	//a good size for each batch is between 1-4MB in size.  Number of elements that can be stored in a 
	//batch is determined by calculating #bytes used by each vertex
	if( numVerticesPerBatch < 1000 ) {
		std::ostringstream strStream;
		strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " numVerticesPerBatch{" << numVerticesPerBatch << "} is too small.  Choose a number >= 1000 ";
		throw ExceptionHandler( strStream );

	//create desired number of batches
	_vBatches.reserve( uNumBatches );
	for( unsigned u = 0; u < uNumBatches; ++u ) {
		_vBatches.push_back( std::shared_ptr<Batch>( new Batch( numVerticesPerBatch ) ) );


BatchManager::~BatchManager() {

void BatchManager::render( const std::vector<GuiVertex>& vVertices, const BatchConfig& config ) {
	Batch* pEmptyBatch   = nullptr;
	Batch* pFullestBatch = _vBatches[0].get();

	//determine which batch to put these vertices into
	for( unsigned u = 0; u < _uNumBatches; ++u ) {
		Batch* pBatch = _vBatches[u].get();

		if( pBatch->isBatchConfig( config ) ) {
			if( !pBatch->isEnoughRoom( vVertices.size() ) ) {
				//first need to empty this batch before adding anything to it
				emptyBatch( false, pBatch );
			pBatch->add( vVertices );

		//store pointer to first empty batch
		if( nullptr == pEmptyBatch && pBatch->isEmpty() ) {
			pEmptyBatch = pBatch;

		//store pointer to fullest batch
		pFullestBatch = pBatch->getFullest( pFullestBatch );		
	//if we get here then we didn't find an appropriate batch to put the vertices into
	//if we have an empty batch, put vertices there
	if( nullptr != pEmptyBatch ) {
		pEmptyBatch->add( vVertices, config );

	//no empty batches were found therefore we must empty one first and then we can use it
	emptyBatch( false, pFullestBatch );
	pFullestBatch->add( vVertices, config );


//empty all batches by rendering their contents now
void BatchManager::emptyAll() {
	emptyBatch( true, _vBatches[0].get() );	

struct CompareBatch : public std::binary_function<Batch*, Batch*, bool> {
	bool operator()( const Batch* pBatchA, const Batch* pBatchB ) const {
		return ( pBatchA->getPriority() > pBatchB->getPriority() ); 

//empties the batches according to priority.  If emptyAll is false then
//only empty the batches that are lower priority than the one specified
//AND also empty the one that is passed in
void BatchManager::emptyBatch( bool emptyAll, Batch* pBatchToEmpty ) {
	//sort batches by priority
	std::priority_queue<Batch*, std::vector<Batch*>, CompareBatch> queue;

	for( unsigned u = 0; u < _uNumBatches; ++u ) {
		//add all non-empty batches to queue which will be sorted by order
		//from lowest to highest priority
		if( !_vBatches[u]->isEmpty() ) {
			if( emptyAll ) {
				queue.push( _vBatches[u].get() );

			} else if( _vBatches[u]->getPriority() < pBatchToEmpty->getPriority() ) {
				//only add batches that are lower in priority
				queue.push( _vBatches[u].get() );

	//render all desired batches
	while( !queue.empty() ) {
		Batch* pBatch = queue.top();
	if( !emptyAll ) {
		//when not emptying all the batches, we still want to empty
		//the batch that is passed in, in addition to all batches
		//that have lower priority than it


During each render frame in the Game Engine, call the BatchManager.render function when you need some vertices sent to the GPU. At the end of the frame rendering routine, call BatchManager.emptyAll to make sure you clear out any remaining Batches that the BatchManager may still be holding on to.

Things to Keep in Mind

This article focuses on grouping 2D vertices using the BatchConfig defined for each set of vertices. The iPriority value can be thought of as a Z-depth value for the objects defined by the GuiVertex data. A higher value indicates the object will be rendered on top of a lower values. If you want to extend the Batch class to support 3D data, you will need to change the definition of the iPriority value to represent the 3D meshes centroid's distance from the camera (or something similar) so that 3D objects are rendered from back to front with respect to the camera.

I have only used the BatchManager with GL_LINES, GL_TRIANGLES and GL_TRIANGLE_STRIPS. If you want to support additional rendering types then you would need to update the Batch.add function to add the appropriate degenerate vertices between each set of vertices stored in the Batch.


The OpenGL Batch Rendering technique presented in this article focuses on creating a Batch class that holds a particular set of vertices, and a BatchManager class which is responsible for managing a pool of Batches. When a Game Engine wants to render some vertices, the BatchManager.render call is used to group the vertices using the BatchConfig defined for the GuiVertex objects passed in. The BatchManager.render call will automatically send Batches over to the GPU when it needs to or when BatchManager.emptyAll is called to flush all the Batches stored by the BatchManager.

If you want to see the BatchManager in action, try out my free game called Zing which can be downloaded from here: http://www.marekknows.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=682

If you want to see more details of the OpenGL Shader Engine code that I use with the BatchManager, have a look at the following video tutorial series: http://www.marekknows.com/downloads.php?vmk=shader

I would be happy to hear any comments or improvements you may have to this Batch Rendering technique.

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20 Nov 2014: Initial release

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