I get
Shader error in 'Volund/Standard Character (Specular)': invalid subscript 'worldPos' at Assets/Features/Shared/Volund_UnityStandardCore.cginc(252) (on d3d11)
Compiling Vertex program with DIRECTIONAL
Here is my shader code on Volund_UnityStandardCore.cginc
// Upgrade NOTE: replaced '_Object2World' with 'unity_ObjectToWorld'
// Upgrade NOTE: replaced 'mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,*)' with 'UnityObjectToClipPos(*)'
#include "Volund_UnityStandardInput.cginc"
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "UnityShaderVariables.cginc"
#include "UnityStandardConfig.cginc"
#include "UnityPBSLighting.cginc"
#include "UnityStandardUtils.cginc"
#include "UnityStandardBRDF.cginc"
#include "AutoLight.cginc"
// counterpart for NormalizePerPixelNormal
// skips normalization per-vertex and expects normalization to happen per-pixel
half3 NormalizePerVertexNormal (half3 n)
#if (SHADER_TARGET < 30)
return normalize(n);
return n; // will normalize per-pixel instead
half3 NormalizePerPixelNormal (half3 n)
#if (SHADER_TARGET < 30)
return n;
return normalize(n);
UnityLight MainLight (half3 normalWorld)
UnityLight l;
l.color = _LightColor0.rgb;
l.dir = _WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz;
l.ndotl = LambertTerm (normalWorld, l.dir);
// no light specified by the engine
// analytical light might be extracted from Lightmap data later on in the shader depending on the Lightmap type
l.color = half3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
l.ndotl = 0.f;
l.dir = half3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
return l;
UnityLight AdditiveLight (half3 normalWorld, half3 lightDir, half atten)
UnityLight l;
l.color = _LightColor0.rgb;
l.dir = lightDir;
l.dir = NormalizePerPixelNormal(l.dir);
l.ndotl = LambertTerm (normalWorld, l.dir);
// shadow the light
l.color *= atten;
return l;
UnityLight DummyLight (half3 normalWorld)
UnityLight l;
l.color = 0;
l.dir = half3 (0,1,0);
l.ndotl = LambertTerm (normalWorld, l.dir);
return l;
UnityIndirect ZeroIndirect ()
UnityIndirect ind;
ind.diffuse = 0;
ind.specular = 0;
return ind;
// Common fragment setup
half3 WorldNormal(half4 tan2world[3])
return normalize(tan2world[2].xyz);
half3x3 ExtractTangentToWorldPerPixel(half4 tan2world[3])
half3 t = tan2world[0].xyz;
half3 b = tan2world[1].xyz;
half3 n = tan2world[2].xyz;
n = NormalizePerPixelNormal(n);
// ortho-normalize Tangent
t = normalize (t - n * dot(t, n));
// recalculate Binormal
half3 newB = cross(n, t);
b = newB * sign (dot (newB, b));
return half3x3(t, b, n);
half3x3 ExtractTangentToWorldPerPixel(half4 tan2world[3])
return half3x3(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
#define IN_VIEWDIR4PARALLAX(i) NormalizePerPixelNormal(half3(i.tangentToWorldAndParallax[0].w,i.tangentToWorldAndParallax[1].w,i.tangentToWorldAndParallax[2].w))
#define IN_VIEWDIR4PARALLAX_FWDADD(i) NormalizePerPixelNormal(i.viewDirForParallax.xyz)
#define IN_VIEWDIR4PARALLAX(i) half3(0,0,0)
#define IN_VIEWDIR4PARALLAX_FWDADD(i) half3(0,0,0)
#define IN_WORLDPOS(i) i.posWorld
#define IN_WORLDPOS(i) half3(0,0,0)
#define IN_LIGHTDIR_FWDADD(i) half3(i.tangentToWorldAndLightDir[0].w, i.tangentToWorldAndLightDir[1].w, i.tangentToWorldAndLightDir[2].w)
#define FRAGMENT_SETUP(x) FragmentCommonData x = \
FragmentSetup(i.tex, i.eyeVec, WorldNormal(i.tangentToWorldAndParallax), IN_VIEWDIR4PARALLAX(i), ExtractTangentToWorldPerPixel(i.tangentToWorldAndParallax), IN_WORLDPOS(i), i.pos.xy);
#define FRAGMENT_SETUP_FWDADD(x) FragmentCommonData x = \
FragmentSetup(i.tex, i.eyeVec, WorldNormal(i.tangentToWorldAndLightDir), IN_VIEWDIR4PARALLAX_FWDADD(i), ExtractTangentToWorldPerPixel(i.tangentToWorldAndLightDir), half3(0,0,0), i.pos.xy);
struct FragmentCommonData
half3 diffColor, specColor;
// Note: oneMinusRoughness & oneMinusReflectivity for optimization purposes, mostly for DX9 SM2.0 level.
// Most of the math is being done on these (1-x) values, and that saves a few precious ALU slots.
half oneMinusReflectivity, oneMinusRoughness;
half3 normalWorld, eyeVec, posWorld;
half alpha;
#define UNITY_SETUP_BRDF_INPUT SpecularSetup
inline FragmentCommonData SpecularSetup (float4 i_tex)
half4 specGloss = SpecularGloss(i_tex.xy);
half3 specColor = specGloss.rgb;
half oneMinusRoughness = specGloss.a;
half3 albedo = Albedo(i_tex, /*out*/ oneMinusRoughness);
half3 albedo = Albedo(i_tex);
half oneMinusReflectivity;
half3 diffColor = EnergyConservationBetweenDiffuseAndSpecular (albedo, specColor, /*out*/ oneMinusReflectivity);
FragmentCommonData o = (FragmentCommonData)0;
o.diffColor = diffColor;
o.specColor = specColor;
o.oneMinusReflectivity = oneMinusReflectivity;
o.oneMinusRoughness = oneMinusRoughness;
return o;
inline FragmentCommonData MetallicSetup (float4 i_tex)
half2 metallicGloss = MetallicGloss(i_tex.xy);
half metallic = metallicGloss.x;
half oneMinusRoughness = metallicGloss.y;
half3 albedo = Albedo(i_tex, /*out*/ oneMinusRoughness);
half3 albedo = Albedo(i_tex);
half oneMinusReflectivity;
half3 specColor;
half3 diffColor = DiffuseAndSpecularFromMetallic (albedo, metallic, /*out*/ specColor, /*out*/ oneMinusReflectivity);
FragmentCommonData o = (FragmentCommonData)0;
o.diffColor = diffColor;
o.specColor = specColor;
o.oneMinusReflectivity = oneMinusReflectivity;
o.oneMinusRoughness = oneMinusRoughness;
return o;
inline FragmentCommonData FragmentSetup (float4 i_tex, half3 i_eyeVec, half3 i_normalWorld, half3 i_viewDirForParallax, half3x3 i_tanToWorld, half3 i_posWorld, float2 iPos)
i_tex = Parallax(i_tex, i_viewDirForParallax);
half alpha = Alpha(i_tex.xy);
#if defined(_ALPHATEST_ON)
clip (alpha - _Cutoff);
half3 normalWorld = NormalizePerPixelNormal(mul(NormalInTangentSpace(i_tex), i_tanToWorld)); // @TODO: see if we can squeeze this normalize on SM2.0 as well
// Should get compiled out, isn't being used in the end.
half3 normalWorld = i_normalWorld;
half3 eyeVec = i_eyeVec;
eyeVec = NormalizePerPixelNormal(eyeVec);
FragmentCommonData o = UNITY_SETUP_BRDF_INPUT (i_tex);
o.normalWorld = normalWorld;
o.eyeVec = eyeVec;
o.posWorld = i_posWorld;
// NOTE: shader relies on pre-multiply alpha-blend (_SrcBlend = One, _DstBlend = OneMinusSrcAlpha)
o.diffColor = PreMultiplyAlpha (o.diffColor, alpha, o.oneMinusReflectivity, /*out*/ o.alpha);
return o;
inline UnityGI FragmentGI (
float3 posWorld,
half occlusion, half4 i_ambientOrLightmapUV, half atten, half oneMinusRoughness, half3 normalWorld, half3 eyeVec,
UnityLight light )
UnityGI d;
d.light = light;
d.worldPos = posWorld;
d.worldViewDir = -eyeVec;
d.atten = atten;
#if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON) || defined(DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON)
d.ambient = 0;
d.lightmapUV = i_ambientOrLightmapUV;
d.ambient = i_ambientOrLightmapUV.rgb;
d.lightmapUV = 0;
//change the above code with this
d.boxMin[0] = unity_SpecCube0_BoxMin;
d.boxMin[1] = unity_SpecCube1_BoxMin;
d.boxMax[0] = unity_SpecCube0_BoxMax;
d.boxMax[1] = unity_SpecCube1_BoxMax;
d.probePosition[0] = unity_SpecCube0_ProbePosition;
d.probePosition[1] = unity_SpecCube1_ProbePosition;
//lets change the code
//d.boxMax[0] = unity_SpecCube0_BoxMax;
//d.boxMin[0] = unity_SpecCube0_BoxMin;
//d.probePosition[0] = unity_SpecCube0_ProbePosition;
//d.probeHDR[0] = unity_SpecCube0_HDR;
//d.boxMax[1] = unity_SpecCube1_BoxMax;
//d.boxMin[1] = unity_SpecCube1_BoxMin;
//d.probePosition[1] = unity_SpecCube1_ProbePosition;
//d.probeHDR[1] = unity_SpecCube1_HDR;
return UnityGlobalIllumination(
d, occlusion, oneMinusRoughness, normalWorld);
half4 OutputForward (half4 output, half alphaFromSurface)
#if defined(_ALPHABLEND_ON) || defined(_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON)
output.a = alphaFromSurface;
return output;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Base forward pass (directional light, emission, lightmaps, ...)
struct VertexOutputForwardBase
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float4 tex : TEXCOORD0;
half3 eyeVec : TEXCOORD1;
half4 tangentToWorldAndParallax[3] : TEXCOORD2; // [3x3:tangentToWorld | 1x3:viewDirForParallax]
half4 ambientOrLightmapUV : TEXCOORD5; // SH or Lightmap UV
// next ones would not fit into SM2.0 limits, but they are always for SM3.0+
float3 posWorld : TEXCOORD8;
VertexOutputForwardBase vertForwardBase (VertexInput v)
VertexOutputForwardBase o;
UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT(VertexOutputForwardBase, o);
float4 posWorld = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex);
o.posWorld = posWorld.xyz;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.tex = TexCoords(v);
o.eyeVec = NormalizePerVertexNormal(posWorld.xyz - _WorldSpaceCameraPos);
float3 normalWorld = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal);
float4 tangentWorld = float4(UnityObjectToWorldDir(v.tangent.xyz), v.tangent.w);
float3x3 tangentToWorld = CreateTangentToWorldPerVertex(normalWorld, tangentWorld.xyz, tangentWorld.w);
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[0].xyz = tangentToWorld[0];
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[1].xyz = tangentToWorld[1];
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[2].xyz = tangentToWorld[2];
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[0].xyz = 0;
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[1].xyz = 0;
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[2].xyz = normalWorld;
//We need this for shadow receving
// Static lightmaps
o.ambientOrLightmapUV.xy = v.uv1.xy * unity_LightmapST.xy + unity_LightmapST.zw;
o.ambientOrLightmapUV.zw = 0;
// Sample light probe for Dynamic objects only (no static or dynamic lightmaps)
o.ambientOrLightmapUV.rgb = 0;
#elif (SHADER_TARGET < 30)
o.ambientOrLightmapUV.rgb = ShadeSH9(half4(normalWorld, 1.0));
// Optimization: L2 per-vertex, L0..L1 per-pixel
o.ambientOrLightmapUV.rgb = ShadeSH3Order(half4(normalWorld, 1.0));
// Add approximated illumination from non-important point lights
o.ambientOrLightmapUV.rgb += Shade4PointLights (
unity_4LightPosX0, unity_4LightPosY0, unity_4LightPosZ0,
unity_LightColor[0].rgb, unity_LightColor[1].rgb, unity_LightColor[2].rgb, unity_LightColor[3].rgb,
unity_4LightAtten0, posWorld, normalWorld);
o.ambientOrLightmapUV.zw = v.uv2.xy * unity_DynamicLightmapST.xy + unity_DynamicLightmapST.zw;
half3 viewDirForParallax = mul (rotation, ObjSpaceViewDir(v.vertex));
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[0].w = viewDirForParallax.x;
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[1].w = viewDirForParallax.y;
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[2].w = viewDirForParallax.z;
return o;
half4 fragForwardBase (VertexOutputForwardBase i, float face : VFACE) : SV_Target
// Experimental normal flipping
if(_CullMode < 0.5f)
i.tangentToWorldAndParallax[2].xyz *= face;
UnityLight mainLight = MainLight (s.normalWorld);
half atten = SHADOW_ATTENUATION(i);
half occlusion = Occlusion(i.tex.xy);
UnityGI gi = FragmentGI (
s.posWorld, occlusion, i.ambientOrLightmapUV, atten, s.oneMinusRoughness, s.normalWorld, s.eyeVec, mainLight);
half4 c = UNITY_BRDF_PBS (s.diffColor, s.specColor, s.oneMinusReflectivity, s.oneMinusRoughness, s.normalWorld, -s.eyeVec, gi.light, gi.indirect);
c.rgb += UNITY_BRDF_GI (s.diffColor, s.specColor, s.oneMinusReflectivity, s.oneMinusRoughness, s.normalWorld, -s.eyeVec, occlusion, gi);
c.rgb += Emission(i.tex.xy);
UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, c.rgb);
return OutputForward (c, s.alpha);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Additive forward pass (one light per pass)
struct VertexOutputForwardAdd
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float4 tex : TEXCOORD0;
half3 eyeVec : TEXCOORD1;
half4 tangentToWorldAndLightDir[3] : TEXCOORD2; // [3x3:tangentToWorld | 1x3:lightDir]
// next ones would not fit into SM2.0 limits, but they are always for SM3.0+
#if defined(_PARALLAXMAP)
half3 viewDirForParallax : TEXCOORD8;
VertexOutputForwardAdd vertForwardAdd (VertexInput v)
VertexOutputForwardAdd o;
UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT(VertexOutputForwardAdd, o);
float4 posWorld = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex);
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.tex = TexCoords(v);
o.eyeVec = NormalizePerVertexNormal(posWorld.xyz - _WorldSpaceCameraPos);
float3 normalWorld = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal);
float4 tangentWorld = float4(UnityObjectToWorldDir(v.tangent.xyz), v.tangent.w);
float3x3 tangentToWorld = CreateTangentToWorldPerVertex(normalWorld, tangentWorld.xyz, tangentWorld.w);
o.tangentToWorldAndLightDir[0].xyz = tangentToWorld[0];
o.tangentToWorldAndLightDir[1].xyz = tangentToWorld[1];
o.tangentToWorldAndLightDir[2].xyz = tangentToWorld[2];
o.tangentToWorldAndLightDir[0].xyz = 0;
o.tangentToWorldAndLightDir[1].xyz = 0;
o.tangentToWorldAndLightDir[2].xyz = normalWorld;
//We need this for shadow receving
float3 lightDir = _WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz - posWorld.xyz * _WorldSpaceLightPos0.w;
lightDir = NormalizePerVertexNormal(lightDir);
o.tangentToWorldAndLightDir[0].w = lightDir.x;
o.tangentToWorldAndLightDir[1].w = lightDir.y;
o.tangentToWorldAndLightDir[2].w = lightDir.z;
o.viewDirForParallax = mul (rotation, ObjSpaceViewDir(v.vertex));
return o;
half4 fragForwardAdd (VertexOutputForwardAdd i, float face : VFACE) : SV_Target
// Experimental normal flipping
if(_CullMode < 0.5f)
i.tangentToWorldAndLightDir[2].xyz *= face;
UnityLight light = AdditiveLight (s.normalWorld, IN_LIGHTDIR_FWDADD(i), LIGHT_ATTENUATION(i));
UnityIndirect noIndirect = ZeroIndirect ();
half4 c = UNITY_BRDF_PBS (s.diffColor, s.specColor, s.oneMinusReflectivity, s.oneMinusRoughness, s.normalWorld, -s.eyeVec, light, noIndirect);
UNITY_APPLY_FOG_COLOR(i.fogCoord, c.rgb, half4(0,0,0,0)); // fog towards black in additive pass
return OutputForward (c, s.alpha);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Deferred pass
struct VertexOutputDeferred
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float4 tex : TEXCOORD0;
half3 eyeVec : TEXCOORD1;
half4 tangentToWorldAndParallax[3] : TEXCOORD2; // [3x3:tangentToWorld | 1x3:viewDirForParallax]
half4 ambientOrLightmapUV : TEXCOORD5; // SH or Lightmap UVs
float3 posWorld : TEXCOORD6;
VertexOutputDeferred vertDeferred (VertexInput v)
VertexOutputDeferred o;
UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT(VertexOutputDeferred, o);
float4 posWorld = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex);
o.posWorld = posWorld.xyz;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.tex = TexCoords(v);
o.eyeVec = NormalizePerVertexNormal(posWorld.xyz - _WorldSpaceCameraPos);
float3 normalWorld = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal);
float4 tangentWorld = float4(UnityObjectToWorldDir(v.tangent.xyz), v.tangent.w);
float3x3 tangentToWorld = CreateTangentToWorldPerVertex(normalWorld, tangentWorld.xyz, tangentWorld.w);
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[0].xyz = tangentToWorld[0];
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[1].xyz = tangentToWorld[1];
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[2].xyz = tangentToWorld[2];
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[0].xyz = 0;
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[1].xyz = 0;
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[2].xyz = normalWorld;
o.ambientOrLightmapUV.xy = v.uv1.xy * unity_LightmapST.xy + unity_LightmapST.zw;
o.ambientOrLightmapUV.zw = 0;
#if (SHADER_TARGET < 30)
o.ambientOrLightmapUV.rgb = ShadeSH9(half4(normalWorld, 1.0));
// Optimization: L2 per-vertex, L0..L1 per-pixel
o.ambientOrLightmapUV.rgb = ShadeSH3Order(half4(normalWorld, 1.0));
o.ambientOrLightmapUV.zw = v.uv2.xy * unity_DynamicLightmapST.xy + unity_DynamicLightmapST.zw;
half3 viewDirForParallax = mul (rotation, ObjSpaceViewDir(v.vertex));
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[0].w = viewDirForParallax.x;
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[1].w = viewDirForParallax.y;
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[2].w = viewDirForParallax.z;
return o;
void fragDeferred (
VertexOutputDeferred i,
out half4 outDiffuse : SV_Target0, // RT0: diffuse color (rgb), occlusion (a)
out half4 outSpecSmoothness : SV_Target1, // RT1: spec color (rgb), smoothness (a)
out half4 outNormal : SV_Target2, // RT2: normal (rgb), --unused, very low precision-- (a)
out half4 outEmission : SV_Target3, // RT3: emission (rgb), --unused-- (a)
float face : VFACE
#if (SHADER_TARGET < 30)
outDiffuse = 1;
outSpecSmoothness = 1;
outNormal = 0;
outEmission = 0;
// Experimental normal flipping
if(_CullMode < 0.5f)
i.tangentToWorldAndParallax[2].xyz *= face;
// no analytic lights in this pass
UnityLight dummyLight = DummyLight (s.normalWorld);
half atten = 1;
half occlusion = Occlusion(i.tex.xy);
// only GI
UnityGI gi = FragmentGI (
s.posWorld, occlusion, i.ambientOrLightmapUV, atten, s.oneMinusRoughness, s.normalWorld, s.eyeVec, dummyLight);
half3 color = UNITY_BRDF_PBS (s.diffColor, s.specColor, s.oneMinusReflectivity, s.oneMinusRoughness, s.normalWorld, -s.eyeVec, gi.light, gi.indirect).rgb;
color += UNITY_BRDF_GI (s.diffColor, s.specColor, s.oneMinusReflectivity, s.oneMinusRoughness, s.normalWorld, -s.eyeVec, occlusion, gi);
#ifdef _EMISSION
color += Emission (i.tex.xy);
#ifndef UNITY_HDR_ON
color.rgb = exp2(-color.rgb);
outDiffuse = half4(s.diffColor, occlusion);
outSpecSmoothness = half4(s.specColor, s.oneMinusRoughness);
outNormal = half4(s.normalWorld*0.5+0.5,1);
outEmission = half4(color, 1);
I really don't know what is happening there i've been stuck there for 2 days.