My SDF font looks great at large sizes, but not when I draw it at smaller sizes. I have my orthogonal projection matrix setup so that each unit is a 1x1 pixel. The text is rendered from Freetype2 to a texture atlas @ 56px with a spread of 8 pixels (the multiplier is 8x and scaled down). I'm drawing @ 18px in the screenshot attached to this post. The way I calculate the size of the text quads is by dividing the desired size (18px in the screenshot) by the size of the glyphs in the atlas (56px in this case), and scaling the glyph sprite by that factor. So: 18/56 = ~0.32, and I multiply the rect's size vector by that when it comes to vertex placement (this obviously doesn't apply to the vertices' texture coords). Now, I made sure that all metrics stored in my SDF font files are whole numbers (rect position/size, bearing amounts, advance, etc), but when I scale the font, vertex positions are almost always not going to be whole numbers. I increase the "edge" smoothstep shader parameter for smaller text as well, but it doesn't seem to help all that much.