I thought this thing I wrote might be a worthy candidate for a coding horror.
Expression* SymbolicMatrix::determinant3x3() const
* Given the matrix
* / a b c \
* A = | d e f |
* \ g h i /
* The determinant can be calculated with:
* det(A) = (aei + bfg + cdh) - (gec + hfa + idb)
* The entries in the matrix are stored such that a=0, b=1, c=2, etc.
return Expression::make(op::sub, // (aei + bfg + cdh) - (gec + hfa + idb)
Expression::make(op::add, // aei + bfg + cdh
Expression::make(op::add, // aei + bfg
Expression::make(op::mul, // aei
Expression::make(op::mul, // ae
entries_[0]->clone(), // a
entries_[4]->clone()), // e
entries_[8]->clone()), // i
Expression::make(op::mul, // bfg
Expression::make(op::mul, // bf
entries_[1]->clone(), // b
entries_[5]->clone()), // f
entries_[6]->clone())), // g
Expression::make(op::mul, // cdh
Expression::make(op::mul, // cd
entries_[2]->clone(), // c
entries_[3]->clone()), // d
entries_[2*3+1]->clone())), // h
Expression::make(op::add, // gec + hfa + idb
Expression::make(op::add, // gec + hfa
Expression::make(op::mul, // gec
Expression::make(op::mul, // ge
entries_[6]->clone(), // g
entries_[4]->clone()), // e
entries_[2]->clone()), // c
Expression::make(op::mul, // hfa
Expression::make(op::mul, // hf
entries_[7]->clone(), // h
entries_[5]->clone()), // f
entries_[0]->clone())), // a
Expression::make(op::mul, // idb
Expression::make(op::mul, // id
entries_[8]->clone(), // i
entries_[3]->clone()), // d
entries_[1]->clone()))); // b
All jokes aside, how would one make this look better?