I have a triangle,oriented in a 3D Plane i.e. I have my vertices as (x1,y1,z1) ; (x2,y2,z2) and (x3,y3,z3)
I am trying to convert this triangular facet to voxelised model i.e.
Along each edge,I am applying Bresenhams 3D Line algorithm and generating intermediate points.After generating intermediate points, I want to fill the inside region.
I have been searching for some algorithm like flood filling,but did not find anything relevant till now.
I would be really glad,if some one can provide an algorithm for achieving this.
I basically have a List of tuple for storing all the (x,y,z) data created along the edges.(generated using Brsenhams 3D Line algorithm).
Now,I want an algorithm,which creates cubes in the inside region.