Im trying to wrap my head around Entity Component Systems and was implementing my own based on others examples. I have a very basic stripped down version working without systems but as ive started to implement the systems im getting a linker error complaining about unresolved externals.
1>InputSystem.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: class VelocityComponent * __thiscall Entity::getComponent<class VelocityComponent>(void)const " (??$getComponent@VVelocityComponent@@@Entity@@QBEPAVVelocityComponent@@XZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void __thiscall InputSystem::update(float)" (?update@InputSystem@@UAEXM@Z)
As i understand its complaining that in InputSystem::update() it cannot find the implementation of Entity::getComponent<T>(). InputSystem inherits from system which includes Entity.h.
If i move the implementation of getComponent<T>() from Entity.cpp into Entity.h then everything compiles fine. I thought when including a .h the associated .cpp is compiled along with it into an object file then the linker grabs all that to generate the final executable.
Please help me to understand why this is failing.