Hey guys. Vulkan newbie from OpenGL here. Is there a way to remove a secondary buffer from a primary buffer in Vulkan? If not, how else can I remove objects? I'm binding my primary buffer to:
Bind RenderPass
Draw Related Secondary Command Buffers
End RenderPass
And my secondary buffers to:
Bind Graphics Pipeline
Bind Vertex Buffer
Bind Index Buffer
Bind Descriptors
Draw Indexed
The only other way I can guess to have objects be removeable is to have one command buffer per object and add them all to submitInfo.pCommandBuffers, but then I'll be rebinding the renderpass a lot, plus I figure it's more work for the GPU. Also, how would object removal be handled with indirect draws, as I'm planning on looking into that relatively soon?
EDIT: One more question, is there a way to bind one descriptor set (for the projection, view, model, and combination matrices) to multiple graphics pipelines? And is there a way to bind graphics pipelines to multiple secondary command buffers?