Im planning a medieval city builder / sim inspired by the stronghold, banished and anno series. For population growth a common mechanics is either you need to maintain positive "happiness" (stronghold series) or you supply more and more goods/services to get higher level inhabitants (anno series). You also need houses but that's basically a given.
An idea i have:
You have a pop cap initially. To raise it you need to add goods/services but you choose what and in what order. Then the % of the population who has access to these goods/services determines your city's increased pop cap, the info screen for it could look something like:
Base pop cap 20
Ale (53 %) +5 cap
Religion (21%) +2 cap
Pottery (100%) +10 cap
Food variety ( 3 types) +6 cap
Total pop cap: 43
What do you think? The idea is to let the player have more freedom in how he/she develops the city depending on the map resources and other factors such as climate.