Is the slot pointed to by a Texture2D/SamplerState in a pixel shader assigned at compile time and immutable?
So on the HLSL side I'd have:
Texture2D tex0 : register(t0);
Texture2D tex1 : register(t1);
SamplerState smp0 : register(s0);
SamplerState smp1 : register(s1);
And then on the host side:
context->PSSetShaderResource( 0, 1, textureA )
context->PSSetShaderResource( 1, 1, textureB )
context->PSSetSamplers( 0, 1, samplerA );
context->PSSetSamplers( 1, 1, samplerB );
When the program is run tex0 would refer to textureA, tex1 to textureB and so on with the samplers.
What if I wanted to switch them around on the HLSL side. So in OpenGL I could do glUniform1i( tex0, 1 ) and glUniform( tex1, 0 ). This would make tex0 refer to textureB and tex1 refer to textureA. Can the same be done with DX11? If so what is the call to modify tex0/tex0 - and the smp0/smp1?