Hi everyone !
I'm new to this forum, i've discovered it today and he seems really interesting !
To introduce myself i'm a beginner in game programming in general, never done it before... i have 1 year of C++ with me and 1 month of OpenGL at this moment... few days ago i had the idea to create a dance dance revolution like game for educational purpose only i made some research on the internet and i've found something called stepmania, an open source version of DDR, another thing called "FMOD" that allows me to detect BPM from a song and also "SDL" which is a 2D library you can use for making 2D games.
Thanks to my research i started to get an idea how how i could develop that kind of gameplay with all of these elements but unfortunatly it is too difficult for me to detect beat and bars from a song so i checked for another solution and i found that stepmania was using a special file format called "*.sm" file where many infos are stored such as song bpm, artist name, arrows that appears during the song etc... so i tough about making a program that parse the selected sm file, stores the datas from it and displaying the sm file's arrows on the screen in order to reproduce the DDR gameplay but i also have trouble doing this because i have never done file parsing before...
I'm a bit lost in this part... if anyone have any advice or wants to help me i will really appreciate it.
Thank your reading.
ps : sorry for my english.