MSAA is not trivially supported for deferred rendering as is the case for forward rendering.
I do not want multi sampling in my deferred parts. On the other hand, I still want to use multi sampling in my forward parts. Below, the deferred -> forward connection is problematic since the depth buffer for deferred is a TEXTURE2D and for forward is a TEXTURE2DMS, and both depth buffers are not independent. Furthermore, I want AA for all models in the end (not only the cheap emissive and transparent models).
GBuffer packing (opaque_models) -> GBuffer unpacking (opaque_models) -> Forward (emissive_models) -> Forward(transparent_models) -> Forward (sprites)
So what if SV_COVERAGE is stored as well in the GBuffer packing phase? If I output the stored SV_COVERAGE in the GBuffer unpacking phase instead of the generated one (for the quad) and use a multi-sampling RTV, I have deferred MSAA right? Or am I missing something?
Furthermore, I could output my own SV_DEPTH as well to solve the TEXTURE2D <> TEXTURE2DMS problem?