What do people usually do when a contact resolution algorithm doesn't succeed in preventing overlap of collision manifolds?
I have n-object contact resolution working in 3D using velocity constraints, but since it's a linear approximation after enough time objects can slowly drift closer until they overlap, and the algorithm will do nothing for small negative velocities that are within the target tolerance.
Objects can also overlap after a contact resolve even when the local contact velocity constraint *is* satisfied (objects are separating at the given contact points): for example a box balanced on an edge or a corner tips over while remaining in contact, until it eventually falls flat. In that case I would want to break contact and perform a collision so that a 'bounce' will result when it lands.
What I've decided to do is a penetration resolve (solve for a position constraint: push the objects apart) *only* if the local contact velocity was negative after attempting to resolve the contact group. After applying a penetration resolve, I have been updating velocities to match the apparent motion resulting from the position update, which means that the contact group needs to be resolved again to make sure the velocity constraints are now satisfied, at least within tolerance, and no more overlaps remain. Whether or not this velocity update is a good idea or required I'm not sure if it's just causing extra work to be done.
Things get a little more complicated when it's a new collision involving two contact groups: the trajectories of all the objects in the contact groups will be modified, so they will have to be re-entered into the collision pipeline to catch new collisions, but this is more of an implementation specific problem, I think.
Anyway, just wanted to see if these are valid approaches or if I'm solving an intractable problem.