One of most important thing I'v learned along the years im an artist and game designer is to iterate/evolve my designs a lot. During developemnt of Bouncy Bob we used iterative approach constantly. There was about 10 iterations of diferent contol mechanics, about 5 initial variants of game art and so on. Almost every final element of this project is a result of evolution and strive for best outcome.
I'v decided that maybe the best example of this effective design philosophy will be development of our company logo. All Those Moments - our name is of course borowed from 1982 "Blade Runner" and 3 words are from Roy Battys final monologue. I think it is perfect not only in context of the movie but as well can express perfectly our love for playing and creating games.
Here are 8 iterations of logo (there was even more of variants/sketches), and all design process for this took many hours during more than month of time:
So do you like it ? My favorite is first one and of course final one, but as you can see there was a long design road that we had to take to get there ;], (first one was ok, but not verry oryginal and polished, and my friend even said that it is more like for some photo company that is making albums, of framed pics of couples). He was right, but I guess in the end we have created something quite oryginal and "strong" visually.
Thanks for your time ! Please share your opinions on this design or just say hello
This post is bit off topic, if you are interested in Bouncy Bob - game that we are developing please read more of our posts or visit steam page: