I am using Frostbite's sRGB <-> linear color space conversion on the CPU with DirectXMath which does not have a conditional assignment (? : construct)
Any way to improve this:
const XMVECTOR comp = XMVectorLessOrEqual(srgb, XMVectorReplicate(0.04045f));
return XMVectorSet(
XMVectorGetX(comp) ? XMVectorGetX(low) : XMVectorGetX(high),
XMVectorGetY(comp) ? XMVectorGetY(low) : XMVectorGetY(high),
XMVectorGetZ(comp) ? XMVectorGetZ(low) : XMVectorGetZ(high),
Full code:
Converts the given spectrum from linear to sRGB space.
@param[in] linear
The spectrum in linear space.
@return The spectrum in sRGB space.
@note The alpha channel of the given spectrum is preserved.
inline const XMVECTOR XM_CALLCONV LinearToSRGB(FXMVECTOR linear) noexcept {
// Frostbite's conversion
static const float exp = 1.0f / 2.4f;
const XMVECTOR low = linear * 12.92f;
const XMVECTOR high = 1.055f * XMVectorPow(linear, XMVectorReplicate(exp))
- XMVectorReplicate(0.055f);
const XMVECTOR comp = XMVectorLessOrEqual(linear, XMVectorReplicate(0.0031308f));
return XMVectorSet(
XMVectorGetX(comp) ? XMVectorGetX(low) : XMVectorGetX(high),
XMVectorGetY(comp) ? XMVectorGetY(low) : XMVectorGetY(high),
XMVectorGetZ(comp) ? XMVectorGetZ(low) : XMVectorGetZ(high),
Converts the given spectrum from sRGB to linear space.
@param[in] srgb
The spectrum in sRGB space.
@return The spectrum in linear space.
@note The alpha channel of the given spectrum is preserved.
inline const XMVECTOR XM_CALLCONV SRGBToLinear(FXMVECTOR srgb) noexcept {
// Frostbite's conversion
static const float mlow = 1.0f / 12.92f;
static const float mhigh = 1.0f / 1.055f;
const XMVECTOR low = srgb * mlow;
const XMVECTOR high = XMVectorPow(
mhigh * (srgb + XMVectorReplicate(0.055f)),
const XMVECTOR comp = XMVectorLessOrEqual(srgb, XMVectorReplicate(0.04045f));
return XMVectorSet(
XMVectorGetX(comp) ? XMVectorGetX(low) : XMVectorGetX(high),
XMVectorGetY(comp) ? XMVectorGetY(low) : XMVectorGetY(high),
XMVectorGetZ(comp) ? XMVectorGetZ(low) : XMVectorGetZ(high),