I was making some tests on sample (c++/dx9) of dx sdk, and all works good. When I passed the code to my app, the meshes are getting stretched, i dont know why, both use the same code, same camera, same mesh class etc..
Image of problem: (left its my app, and right its the same code on dx sample)
I creating my camera this way:
pcCamera->CreateProjectionMatrix( D3DX_PI / 4.4f, (float)RESOLUTION_WIDTH / (float)RESOLUTION_HEIGHT, 20.0f, 4000.0f );
fCameraFov = fFov;
fCameraAspect = fAspect;
fCameraNearPlane = fNearPlane;
fCameraFarPlane = fFarPlane;
D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH( &sProjection, fCameraFov, fCameraAspect, fCameraNearPlane, fCameraFarPlane );
lpD3DDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_PROJECTION, &sProjection );