I'm currently remaking a game I made a few years back using Slick2D (as opposed to Swing/AWT, which was a terrible idea). I've fleshed out a lot of the background architecture, but I'm starting to run into issues with my architecture and I'm not sure how to proceed.
The game I'm making is an overhead shooter. It's wave-based, with hordes of zombies coming at you. There are 10 weapons to choose from.
Specifically, my latest issue is with a particular "weapon" I'm designing; the Laser Barrier. In the previous game, I had a "Laser Wire" weapon, which when two terminals were placed on the ground, created a wire made of laser on the ground that would damage enemies that passed through. Problem was that it didn't do enough damage in the short time that the enemies would be colliding with it for it to be of any use, so it was a waste of money.
In the remake, I'm instead creating the "Laser Barrier", which visually looks the same, but instead of damaging enemies that touch it, it will act as an obstacle that enemies can't walk through. The enemies damage the shield while they are in contact with it until the laser barrier collapses. Projectiles however, can still pass through the barrier, allowing the player, and certain enemies, to shoot through them.
The issue I'm running into, though, is the method of communicating between the Laser Wire itself and the enemy touching it. I'm currently able to detect a collision between the enemy and wire projected between the two laser terminals, but I'm not sure how I can implement the actual movement blocking part.
It would take too much text to explain how it works, so here are the relevant files in my project:
Player class - the checkProjectiles() method on line 344 is where the game loop checks for collisions between the player's weapon projectiles and the an enemy passed as an argument. On line 350, you can see that when there is a collision between the enemy and the LaserNode object (collision method is linked below), the laser node takes damage so that it will eventually be destroyed. I figured this is where the "movement blocking" should be, as I have access to the terminal and the enemy, and this is where a collision is confirmed.
LaserNode class - this is the class representing the laser terminals on the ground that project the laser beam between them. The checkCollision() method on line 57 is used to determine if the enemy is touching either of the terminals, or if it is touching the beam itself.
Enemy class - this is the base class for all game enemies. You can see what methods are available to all enemies, so perhaps this can provide some insight into what could be done to communicate with the LaserNode.
I realize it's a lot to ask considering the scope of my project, but could someone give me an idea of how to communicate between the LaserNode and Enemy so that the enemy knows not to move when touching the LaserNode? The only methods I can think of seem cumbersome and it seems like I'd be adding a lot to the Enemy class just to get this one feature working.
I'd love to script these weapons with LUA, but I never learned how to integrate a scripting language into my game architecture. I also have limited experience writing game engines, so I'm sure there's a lot of refinement that could be done to make my game architecture less restricting.
I don't expect anyone to actually comb through my project and make suggestions, but I would super appreciate it.