Today I started implementing Poisson Disc generator, however halfway through the implementation I realized this was not what I was using 5 years ago. First off, while I can implement this with a min and max radius, it doesn't help me fill in the void (so to speak) if I should generate a wrappable array from this data.
So, this is what I need to know the name of:
1. The algorithm probaby uses poisson-disc to start with
2. It then creates a power-of-2 sized array
3. It fills the array with radius-values, distanced so that if you access the array at any position modulo the array size, you can use lequal to know if you can place your object.
An example row: [1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 6, 2, 1, 2, ...] <-- if i remembered the specifics I wouldnt be asking
4. This is O(1) because an object can be try_placed with `array(wrap(x), wrap(y)) < radius`
Anyone know the name of this procedure? Any help would be appreciated.