While considering how to optimize my DirectX11 graphics engine, I noticed that it is mapping and unmapping (locking and unlocking) the D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE many times to write to different constant buffers. Some shader have 10 or more contant buffers, for camera position, light direction, clip plane, texture translation, fog info, and many other things that need to be passed from the CPU to GPU.
I was wondering if all the mapping and unmapping might be the reason why my engine is running horribly slow, and is there any way around this? What is the correct way to do it?
(Refer to LightShaderClass::SetShaderParameters() function, line 401 onward to see all the mapping/unmapping).
I feel like I might be doing something obviously wrong and wasteful that could be fixed with a simple reorganization, but dont know enough about DX11 to know how. Any tips would be much appreciated, thanks.