I've got a issue with the binding of a texture in my Directx11 programme. I have 2 textures that i must pass to the pixel shader, one is a Texture3D and the other is a Texture2D from a render to texture. So i give it to the Pixel Shader like this specifying the register index.
deviceContext->PSSetShaderResources(0, 1, &backfaceTexture);
deviceContext->PSSetShaderResources(1, 1, &volumeTexture);
In the pixel shader i declare the 2 textures like this.
Texture2D backFaceTexture : register(t0);
Texture3D volumeTexture : register(t1);
And when i use it, the backface texture is empty an the volume texture contains the backface texture.
But when i use the graphics debugger from Visual Studio i can see that my 2 textures are correctly load in the GPU
If someone have any idea why is not working