Hey folks,
Seeing some odd behaviour with a very simple OpenGL shader I'm trying to get working.
Here's the vertex shader:
#version 400
// Input Variables
in vec3 inputPosition;
in vec3 inputColor;
// Output Variables
out vec3 outputColor;
// Uniform Variables
uniform mat4 worldMatrix;
uniform mat4 viewMatrix;
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
// Vertex Shader
void main( void )
// calculate the position of the vertex using world/view/projection matrices
gl_Position = worldMatrix * vec4( inputPosition, 1.0f );
gl_Position = viewMatrix * gl_Position;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * gl_Position;
// store the input colour for the fragment shader
outputColor = vec3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );//inputColor;
And this is the fragment shader:
#version 400
// Input Variables
in vec3 inputColor;
// Output Variables
out vec4 outputColor;
// Fragment Shader
void main( void )
outputColor = vec4( inputColor, 1.0f );//vec4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
If I try and use the 'inputColor' in the fragment shader everything is just rendered black... however if I explicitly set the colour (in the commented out code) everything renders correctly... so there's a breakdown in communication between my vertex and fragment shaders.
Is there anything obvious I'm missing in the shader code? I'm not seeing any compilation warnings from the C++ code side of things, and all of the world/view/projection matrices are being passed in correctly.