Hey Everyone!
My name is Martin and I'm an owner of a website GeekDealsUS.com & Twitter account @GeekDailyDeal which has more than 100K followers.
I want to propose a mutuallly beneficial deal. I want to get more followers on my Twitter account, and you want to promote your Games & get more sales. My proposal is that I can promote your game on Twitter.
The text would be: Follow & RT For a Chance to Win 1 of X Copies of "Your Game" by @YourUsername. Ends time/date. [LINK TO GAME on Steam/website] + Picture you provide
Since I have a large following this should get retweeted and seen many times. I would need from You 1 or more copies (as much as you wish) of your game. Preferably as Steam key.
If that seems like a good idea, then please reply here or e-mail me to martins@geekdealsus.com if you want to discuss collaboration ideas.
Best regards,