I'm following the list of games a begginner should make suggested by Alpha_ProgDes and I'm about to start making Breakout, though this time I'll go the hardcore way with C++ & SDL instead of Unreal Engine.
I'll figure out how to write the classes and make it work, though I wanted to ask you guys about what I will need to make and how it should be organized, so that I have a clear roadmap that I can breeze trough step by step, without hitting any dead ends
So this are my initial thoughts:
●I will need a "Timer" class which keeps track of ms since last frame
●I will need a "Game" class which has a Timer and takes care of initializing the SDL_Window and SDL_Renderer, also with a destructor that takes care to destroy them.
●I will need a "TextureManager" class which containst a map<string, Texture*> to which I can ask for a texture by its name from within other classes, so pretty much every Actor (taking unreal naming for semplicity here) need to include this "TextureManager". Also texture manager destructor takes care of destroying all the textures.
●I need a base Actor class which will contain member variables x,y centered pivot coordinates for the actor sprite, SDL_Rect for the sprite position/size and a Texture* for the sprite, also virtual draw() and virtual update() methods
Well that all I can think for now, I don't have a very clear idea for how the input handling should be done, is just like a super giant switch inside the game loop, or it is like a class "InputManager" that keep track of which actor is interested in which key input and forward the inputs to the approriete actors or... mh... no idea really how it should be done
So, whatever feedback or suggestion or "Structure Roadmap" you can present me to put me on the right tracks, is very welcome!
I only need knowledge of a reasonably correct structure and I will fill in the blanks