I have a big old project that cannot be converted from D3D_XYZRHW to D3D_XYZ.
The problem is whatever polygons around me distort, but everything in the distance is good.
It seems to happen when NDC space vertex.x <= 0. I guess clipping must be the solution; but I don't know how.
Here is my current code.
VERTEX_DECL LocalToScreen( const Vector& vector ) {
vertex.xyz = vector - Game::Eye;
vertex.xyz = Game::CameraOrientation * Game::ProjectionMatrix * vertex.xyz;
vertex.xyz.x = vertex.xyz.x / vertex.xyz.z;
vertex.xyz.y = vertex.xyz.y / vertex.xyz.z;
vertex.xyz.z = 1.0 / vertex.xyz.z;
// This stops polygons around camera distorting; but it fully removes them which
// is not a proper solution. I think I need some kind of clamping.
if ( vertex.z <= 0.0 ) {
return vertex;
vertex.xyz.x = vertex.xyz.x * Game::HalfViewportWidth + Game::HalfViewportWidth;
vertex.xyz.y = vertex.xyz.y * -Game::HalfViewportHeight + Game::HalfViewportHeight;
vertex.rhw = vertex.xyz.z;
vertex.xyz.z = vertex.xyz.z * 0.000588; // Legacy. This doesn't seem to do anything.
return vertex;