I am a beginner in the Game Dev business, however I plan to build a futuristic MMO with some interesting mechanics.
However, I have some doubts about shooting mechanics that I chose for this game and would like to know your opinion on this. The mechanic goes as follows:
- Each gun would have it's damage-per-shot value
- Each gun would have it's shots-per-second value
- Each gun would have it's accuracy rating
Now the question is: how to calculate the output damage? I have three available options:
1) Calculate the chance of each shot hitting the target (per-shot accuracy)
2) Multiply the damage output of a weapon by it's accuracy rating (weapon with 50% accuracy deals 50% of it's base damage)
3) Don't use accuracy at all and just adjust the weapon damage output
Which of these three mechanics would you like to see in a game? Mind, this will be an MMO game, so it will have lock-on targets, AoE effects and all that jazz.